Writing the Vision

Writing the Vision is a monthly all-day Word feast where light is shed on the emphasis of the Spirit in the house. The meal often dished on this platform cuts across believers, regardless of their states in the spirit. A major thing that the Lord does in this meeting is the exaltation of the wisdom of Christ as against the wisdom of this world.
It is a well-attended meeting by many across the nation and has been a platform for reaching out to and strengthening believers, ministers and ministries alike in the understanding of the will of God as revealed in Christ.
The Lord has continued to use this platform to bring down instructions in righteousness that encourage and empower participants to lay hold on eternal life.
Date: Every 3rd Saturday of the Month
Venue: Faith Plaza, Bariga
Time: 10:00am
Links for streaming: egfm.org/listenlive OR egfm.org/watchlive