We are positioned in the body for such a time as this to help your faith and move you forward spiritually.
You are, most likely, here because you are born again (and if you are not, click here).
Join us on the mother of all adventures, which is knowing the only true God and Jesus Christ, His Son (John 17:3) as we explore the word of righteousness.
If you’re visiting us for the first time here, thank you for visiting.
- Rev. and Rev. Mrs Kayode Oyegoke
What to expect?
The Eternal Glorious Fountain Ministry is positioned in the body of Christ to supply resources for the growth and maturity of believers; so they can gradually and ultimately inherit the image and likeness of God. The template for getting this done is in the person of our Lord Jesus Christ, who is the pattern Son that God desires all believers to be conformed to.
Our primary tools of engagement are teaching and preaching of the gospel of salvation with both apostolic and prophetic insights, as the Lord makes grace available.
EGFM is neither a denomination nor a local assembly, but a teaching and equipping centre attended by people who play active roles in their local churches and ministries both home (in Nigeria) and abroad.
Over the last two decades, the major platforms of the ministry for teaching and equipping of saints include School of the Spirit, Writing the Vision and Revelation Hour. A good proportion of attendees are those called to the five-fold ministry as well as believers who desire the knowledge of God in abundance.
Having done this over the years, we have found grace to reach communities of believers at home and abroad through teaching conferences (i.e. Believers’ Convention) in both Nigeria and the UK, as well as in Canada, Austria, Houston, Poland and Cyprus on several platforms.
The Eternal Glorious Fountain Ministry has found grace to promote the unity of the Faith revealed in the New Testament which promises to lead every believing believer ultimately into the fellowship of Eternal Life.
Making your first visit?
Prayer Meeting
Date: Every Tuesday of the Month
Venue: NOIC Compound Charley Boy Bus Stop Gbagada, Lagos.
Time: 6:30pm
Revelation Hour
Date: Every Saturday of the Month (excluding 3rd Saturday)
Venue: NOIC Compound Charley Boy Bus Stop Gbagada, Lagos.
Time: 6:00pm
Writing the Vision
Date: Every 3rd Saturday of the Month
Venue: 559, Ikorodu Road, Kosofe B/Stop, Ketu, Lagos.
Time: 10:00am (break at 2:00pm)
School of the Spirit
Date: Every Thursday of the Month
Venue: 559, Ikorodu Road, Kosofe B/Stop, Ketu, Lagos.
Time: 10:00am
Dress Code?

We’re more concerned with people’s hearts than what they are wearing. Feel free to dress decently.
We can't wait to meet you and your friends. Plan a visit and join us.
Got questions? Chat with Teni on the website or email us via, info@egfm.org
To be born again
God has a plan for you that is far bigger and weightier than the best of your plans for yourself. The New Birth positions you to begin the journey to the realisation of this ultimate desire of God for your life.
It is the beginning of an adventure worthy of an entire lifetime. Interestingly, it does not cost anything to be born again. It is not a privilege available to a class of people; it is a provision that is available for all.
Whatever you might have indulged yourself in does not matter because Jesus bore your sins on his body on the cross and purchased your soul by the same sacrifice. All you have to do is believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and confess His Lordship over your life.
This is in accordance with the scriptures which says, ‘that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation’ (Rom. 10:9-10).
You can just bow your head now and utter these words from your heart: ‘Lord Jesus, I believe you died for my sins and were raised for my justification. I confess today that you are my Lord. Guide my feet henceforth to the realisation and fulfilment of that for which you died. Thank you, my Lord and Saviour! Amen.’
If you said those words from your heart, you are welcome to God’s family. Now, the adventure of aligning with and following God’s plan to the end can begin.