The Building of God’s Eternal House (LSC)
The reason for learning the milk, meat and strong meat of the word is because they are the foundation and the body for the eternal house. They are materials and they do not stand alone. When we learn faith in the Lord Jesus, love for all the saints, leading of the Spirit – why we get rid of all manner of dead works and begin to treat our consciences from dead works – is to begin to prepare us to lay the foundation for the eternal building in us. This building of God is supposed to be eternal; it is not that which is made with hands nor that which is temporal.
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The Character of the Son of God in His Ministry (WTV)
The Son of God is manifesting Himself to destroy all the works of the devil so that we will begin to hear what we have not heard and begin to consider what we have not considered, and our souls will start seeing things that will save us. We will start seeing how easy it is for us to break allegiances with spirits tied to wrong natures.
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Capturing the Reality of the Son of God (WTV)
In our journey with God, what God presents us with is not just what we discover on the pathway that works for us or the spoils and realities we have held on to, but the connection to the Person who has called us. And it is this connection with the Person that would assure us that we can make the transitions with Him.
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Being Aware of the Purpose of the Coming of the Son of God (WTV)
For some of us who have done Christ, we begin to understand that if we bring the understanding of Christ to this new place, we get more confused and can begin to draw back like the Hebrew church. We must put off our old shoes. There is a need for us to upgrade our understanding. We must not draw back from understanding. It is always about how we see. We have not walked this way before; we must not pretend/presume that we know the True God.
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The Ministry of the Holy Ghost in Time of Refreshing and Restitution of All Things (WTV)
When Christ is being preached, the times of refreshing are being declared. As such, we are being made fresh because we were old. When Christ is being preached, the Holy Spirit is not doing the work of milk or attending to babies; rather, He is giving the knowledge of the gospel of Christ to remove old nature from the soul. Freshness speaks of the created image that God put in the soul of man. Sin and death took away freshness and made the soul old. When the Holy Ghost opens the gospel of Christ, He begins to teach us the realm of newness – freshness. What is new is Christ, and the gospel of Christ is the gospel of the new man.
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Engaging the Ministry of the Son of God (WTV)
Satan wrecked man from living soul to flesh and then to dust that he can trample upon. But to recover man, another Person had to come. The first person who came for that purpose is the Holy Ghost and His coming was an advent. An advent is the arrival of a Special Person upon the earth.
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Prospering under the Economy of the Son of God (WTV)
It is in this day of the Lord that many people would be offended. And what would cause offense are the things in men that the Lord has come to judge. The Son of God has come to expire things in us that we have allegiance to. We must not be offended.
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Living by the Life the Son of God is Giving (WTV)
(Gal. 1:15-16). When the Son of God appears, one of the things He is going to do is to deal with the flesh and blood that Satan has worked in us and bring another flesh and blood, which is His own flesh and His own blood. When He does this, keeping peace will become normal to you, and walking in love will no longer be something that someone needs to preach and excite you into doing. They will become normal responses for you.
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Believers’ Convention 2024 (Day 7 Evening Session - Rev. Kayode Oyegoke)
Without the coming of the Lamb, we cannot ferment the wine until the wine begins to speak. The end of prophecy is the overcoming of the red dragon. The blood of the Lamb is the life of the Lamb. They have blood and testimony, which is wine. These are the things that will overcome the devil. Our meekness and gentleness cannot overcome the devil, we need to hear things that are written. The purpose of wine on the lees is to destroy the covering cast over people and the veil spread over the nations (Isa. 25:7).
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