BECON 2022 Day 6 Evening Session Rev. Kayode Oyegoke

Eternal Glorious Fountain Ministry (EGFM)


Believers' Convention 2022 (Day 6 - Evening Session)


Date: Friday, 12th August 2022



The word of the reign of God’s kingdom cannot be available without a visitation of God to the kingdom of Satan. God cannot bring words about the Kingdom without judging the kingdom of darkness alongside.


Before being taken into captivity, the Lord had already prepared Daniel and his fellow Jewish brothers as priests (Dan. 1:6-7). They were living Torahs and bore the names of God and Jehovah. They were not mere princes but had covenants with God and had grown up with Him as princes in the spirit. Therefore, they were taken into Babylon as emissaries of the Kingdom of God in a shadow.


In Babylon, they passed the test of separation and refused the dainty meat of Babylon because they had the sight to judge it as defilement (Dan. 1:8). This is how we should refuse the offers that the world will give us. There are some things that come our way looking like kingly portions which could really be prepared by Satan to take things from us.


Daniel’s heart was burdened with the release of his people and was not interested in reigning in Babylon (Dan. 2:49). He preferred the ruins of the temple that Solomon built. He regarded it as a portal to heaven because the temple was built in alignment with the temple in heaven. There is a temple in heaven where angels worship. When a person begins to bring down the word of the Kingdom and becomes a portal for heaven to find expression, such a person is in alignment with heavenly order and will invite spirits who are servants of the service of the temple.


Daniel’s encounters were kingdom-related. He was interested in the kingdom of Israel and the release of the Jews. He found out that the release of the Jews was going to be more than 70 years and realised that the actual release of the Jew was meant to be a spiritual one. He saw that the warfare was beyond the captivity of his people and included all those who will worship God. The warfare is that some spirits do not want the worship of God on earth.


The reason the Jews were fought against was that it was a nation that God took out of Egypt and called His firstborn (Exod. 4:22). Satan does not want anyone to worship God on earth. At a point, Job was the only worshipper on earth and Satan still stood against him (Job 1:8). He is afraid of a single soul that worships God. God is in this season raising worshippers. Satan hates worshippers and knows that as long as God receives worship, He will progress and His will will prosper.


Every kingdom, including the kingdom of God and the kingdom of darkness, is a world where worship is expressed. There is a reward at the end of every worship. Satan wants people to worship him until they die completely. Conversely, God wants people to serve Him until they have life more abundantly. Babylon was a city that held the Jews captive so that they would forget worship and ultimately forget God.


Daniel withstood this agenda and, as he warred, he was visited by ministering spirits who served the purpose of God by bringing light concerning deliverance to true worship and showing the fall of another dominion called the kingdom of darkness. Daniel was aware of the realm of the spirit and angels, both those that fell and those that are still with God. In the beginning, all angels were worshippers in alignment with God. After his fall, Lucifer still understood certain secrets concerning worship and plans to stop worship, under the assumption that God would dry up if He was not worshipped.


Daniel stepped into the New Testament before time and was called a beloved (Dan. 10:11). Jesus was the first person to get that name, but Daniel was called beloved because he had understanding unlike other prophets of the Old Testament (Dan. 10:11). He became a friend of spirits and God could even visit him because he allowed the program of God to flow through his heart.


As the angels brought words to Daniel, they also spoke about another dominion that was foreign to heaven and was subduing man on earth (Dan. 2:31-33). All the glories of that dominion, from the head of gold to the feet of iron mixed with clay, were designed by Satan to affect man until he is irredeemable. The intention of the dragon is that men be completely reduced to dust. Satan called Job dust and told Him that Job would curse God if Job was touched (Job 2:4). However, God said that Job was a living soul to a measure, and Job proved this, thus shaming Satan.


Nigeria is not a special nation, it is just a nation that God wants to use. Nigeria is important because of Africa, which is God’s eye (Matt. 2:15). God delayed Africa from running the race of civilization so that she would not gain the intelligence to hurry into expiration. Babylon is different from Egypt in that, while Egypt was suppressive, Babylon gave allowance for freedom. By the time of recovery, Israel no longer had any teaching priests because many of them had fallen into profanity. Nigeria is presently being freed from Egypt, but we will soon come into a Babylonish place that will weaken the Christianity of many. It is good for judgement to first be given before we get to Babylon.


The word ‘image’ as used in Genesis 1:26 and 27 means shade, shadow, representative figure or an idol. Likeness is stronger than image and means a resemblance, concretely modelled or similitude of a thing. Jesus, unlike Adam, is the express image of God. Adam was made very far from what God would call His image; he was supposed to go through a process that will get him there. The word image in the New Testament is actually likeness.


In the Hebrew tongue, image is lower than likeness. It is difficult to tell the difference between Eternal and everlasting in the Greek language of the New Testament because the Greek language is limited. For example, Agape and Zoe are generic definitions in the New Testament. Zoe generally means a type of life that is not of man. In God, there are levels of zoe: Christ zoe, everlasting zoe and Eternal zoe. Our spirits are recreated at the new birth and have the Christ kind of zoe but God wants to give it more. The promise of zoe is sure for the spirit man, but God cannot put zoe in an ignorant soul.


The people that God gave the oracles to are Hebrew indigenes. The Hebrew language is rich in spiritual depth. The words ‘eternal’ and ‘everlasting’ are not the same word in the Hebrew language. The word ‘God’ in the Greek language means “placer” by literal translation, but in the Hebrew language, the word ‘God’ has different meanings, showing various depths. In the Old Testament, the word image is intangible, while likeness is solid and can be modelled (Gen. 1:26). Image is like the negative of a picture, without detail and colour.


"Michael your prince" who is mentioned in Daniel 10:21 is Emmanuel, Jesus the Son of the living God who walked the earth. While He was on earth, he came into the fullness of the stature to rule Israel. As a Son of man, Jesus had a dominion and even though His dominion was the kingdom of God-kind, Israel was meant to enjoy that dominion in the flesh. He brought something to His people but they could not receive it. He was in the position of “Michael, your prince” and was preparing them for a dominion. This Michael would have access to truth and would therefore have a kingdom on earth.


God, in His infinite wisdom, would allow Jesus to be sowed as a seed so that Jesus’s dominion, which had been promised, would find expression. If Jesus did not take care of sin, there is no way He would have had everlasting or Eternal dominion. Sin laid claim on humanity. Jesus wants to reign supreme and take away the claim of that angel who fell and who is reigning over men. The reign of Satan on men was illegal and inappropriate. God did not design that angels would reign over men.


When Satan came into the earth, he came in as a serpent. He continued to deceive men until he became a dragon. When Adam died, the air was not taken nor was authority given to Satan because Adam refused to make progress with the nature he had invited. This is why he did not die in his soul and body when he ate the fruit. Immediately he ate the tree, he was removed from Eden but God did not cast him away as He was still in love with him. God designed an after-Eden life that would bring back the Messiah (Gen. 3:21-24).


Satan did not gain dominion of the earth immediately; it took some time. The serpent who deceived man is most likely a constrictor, a swallower and a venomous one, like Satan who stings and stifles life through wisdom. When Moses dropped his rod, it turned into a serpent that swallows (Exo. 7:10-12). That serpent was a spirit but not an evil spirit. It was God that put the spirit in the rod (Exo. 4:3)


No creature is unclean before God; He created them all. The highest ruler in Eden among animals was a serpent. It was wiser because it was a ruler and a rod. God says to be wise as a serpent and harmless as a dove (Matt. 10:16). Serpents used to be harmless but the curse made them venomous. The snake was the actual rod of God. When God told Moses to use the rod to strike the water and it turned to wine, it was that snake in action (Exo. 4:20).


The serpent is wise and is a configured rule. This can be likened to the staff of the shepherd which is the syllabus for feeding the sheep (Psa. 23:4). Moses obeyed God for 40 years, holding a staff for sheep and teaching them. He did not only teach, but also followed the sheep. When faithfulness was attained, an angel of the Lord appeared in a burning bush and asked him to drop the rod, which is his former teaching, so that the Lord could enter it (Exo. 4:3). This is so that it would no longer be only a teaching, but also an authority to rule men.


"And the LORD said furthermore unto him, Put now thine hand into thy bosom. And he put his hand into his bosom: and when he took it out, behold, his hand was leprous as snow." (Ex. 4:6). This was the second sign God showed in Egypt, although what actually brought the children of Israel out was the first sign which is the rod (Ex. 4:2-4). It was this same rod that parted the Red Sea (Ex. 14:16, 21). That rod was not just a physical rod. Every time Moses pointed the rod, the angel knew what to do. The two signs have a relationship. The first sign precedes the second; although both are signs of deliverance. If the first sign was for deliverance, then it means the leprous hand was not ordinary. It was not just a hand; it was a face of God. This leprosy was not a disease, the hand was just white as snow.


The first sign was not directly Moses’ hand; he was given a rod to stretch. However, the second one would be a promotion for Moses because this would be his real hand. This means that Moses moved into a greater degree of operation. He was able to handle the powers of God without an aid (the rod). A similar experience occurred in the wilderness. Moses did use the rod on the rock until he got to a point where he was told to speak to it (Num. 20:8). The rock could only respond to the rod previously; but now, the rock could hear him also. However, contrary to God’s instruction, he hit the rock instead of speaking to it. And the Lord said Moses did not sanctify Him in the eyes of the people (Num. 20:12; because if the people had seen that second dimension of Moses’ operation, something would have happened in them. However, Moses' action prevented them from seeing it.


The second sign is the operation of the face. In Moses’ encounter on the mountain when he asked God to show him His face, God put His hand over Moses’ face (Ex. 33:17-23). Covering his face was a blessing; it was a transition. Moses' face began to shine and he wrote the commandments. Even though he saw God's back, he had seen God in a measure. The hand of God has to do with the head region of God because the face is on the head.


When the Israelites came into Egypt and Pharaoh asked them who they were, they replied that they were shepherds. So, he then gave them Goshen. It was not ordinary that Pharaoh became afraid of them because truly, if given time, the Israelites would have taken over Egypt. Shepherds are naturally prosperous; they can wax strong and take over a nation. David, Abraham, Jacob and all the 12 tribes were shepherds. The first people who were told of Jesus’ birth were shepherds. Angels are shepherds; Lucifer was a shepherd before the fall. God is also a shepherd (Ps. 80:1).


When the Body of Christ fulfils the obedience required, judgement would be given to saints of the Most High (Dan. 7:22). Not all saints fall under this category of saints of the Most High. Saints of the Most High are saints that can handle judgements. Then the rest of the saints will possess the kingdom and have dominion. These saints of the Most High do not need to be in physical positions of power. However, as they receive judgement, spirits will fall.


We ought to be Fulanis (shepherds) in the spirit, who lay our lives down for the sheep. The real sheep are the souls of men. If we do it well, there will be an exchange of governance. Nigeria’s landscape is being reconstructed on this mountain. We need to quickly attain the commandment of shepherding - laying down our lives for the sheep *(Jn. 10:17-18)*.


John 1:18

"No man hath seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him."


The only begotten Son is the Eternal Son; He is not in the Father, but in the bosom of the Father.  Moses was instructed to put his hand in his bosom and when he brought it out, it was white as snow (Exo. 4:6). So, if Jesus is in the bosom of the Father, He would be white as snow. The “bosom of the Father” is a figurative speech; it is an abode, a hiding place for the Father. The Eternal God is the bosom of the Father.


The angel of Jesus referred to in Revelation 1:13-16 is the highest angel, the chief angel Michael. Although Jesus in His eternal state, is a man, this angel, Michael reveals His true nature as having a head white as snow (Rev. 1:14). God is white as snow and white as wool.


A lamb without blemish is white as wool. Becoming white as wool precedes becoming white as snow. The Father, Son, and Holy Ghost are Lambs in nature. John saw this character of Jesus when he said, “...Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.” (Jn. 1:29). Commandments of God drawn from the word of God, which is a two-edged sword, constitute the instrument for slaying a lamb (man).


The quality of a lamb’s blood lies in its purity and sinlessness; this is what qualifies it to blot out sin. A lamb to be sacrificed for sin is usually at the age of one (Ex. 12:5). Jesus arrived at this age. When Jesus arrived at Eternal Life, He was a year old. Jesus, as a Lamb, never increased in age; that is, his years did not fail (Heb. 1:12).


It would take the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost to explain immortality because these beings have Eternal Life. These three Lambs are the record (1 Jn. 5:7). This record is stored information, which can be embodied in a book or a man, and can also be read. The book of the Lamb holds the record of the Lamb (Rev. 13:8); the book reveals the Lamb. God gave Jesus all things and ultimately, the record of Eternal Life. The Lamb is the revelation of God.


The Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost are Snow and Lambs. These natures are characteristic of Beings of Eternal Life. One cannot be in Eternal Life except they are as little children (Matt 18:3). The man-child is a man that is a child. The child was first caught up to God and then to His throne, from where he will rule all nations with a rod (Rev. 12:5). The throne and the rod are promises (rewards) for the seven churches.


"I know thy works: behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it: for thou hast a little strength, and hast kept my word, and hast not denied my name." (Rev. 3:8). “My name” as used in this verse refers to the everlasting name of God. “My new name” as used in Revelation 3;12 is the name of God that is new. “New” qualifies God’s Eternal name. “My name” is the name of the works of God; “My new name” is the name of God’s reward. The reward is the new of everlasting Life. “My new name” is a new identity to show forth who is like God. All the names of God express the name, ‘who is like God?’ at different degrees.                                                                                                                                                                                                                    



The angel Michael is a morning star; he bears an eternal angelic name. He is not just an everlasting being, he possesses an eternal nature; hence, he serves the east. Everlasting life is at the sides of the North, while Eternal Life is at the sides of the East. Only a few cherubims possess this nature.


The name of the angel Michael is a question: “Who is like God?” This name does not speak of God’s hand or His strength, but one that sums up His very essence. Although the angel Michael bore this name in the angelic age and in an angelic frame, he did not actually express God’s likeness; so, he was not given the throne. God’s intention is to raise beings who would truly express His likeness and seat on His throne. This He achieved in Jesus Christ.


Moses used the blood of two animals to consecrate the people of Israel: bulls and goats (Heb. 9:13). Bulls and goats are of the same nature. Bulls possess a stubborn nature, likewise goats. The sacrificing of both animals for Israel indicates the nature of the people - stiffneckedness. In the New Testament, the sacrifice was the blood of the Lamb. Although the sacrifice was a Lamb, its body was a bull’s. The Person on the cross was the everlasting Father, which is the bull. Inside the Father lies the Eternal God, which is the Lamb.


Eternity is a life for those who find pleasure in sacrifices. Eternal Life is a life of giving. The Eternal God loved the word and gave Him as His Only Begotten Son to the world. It was when Jesus ascended up to heaven that He was being given back to the world (John 3:16). Hence, John 3:16 is a message of the eternal sacrifice, a revelation of Jesus after the pattern of His new name.


Jesus’ new name is Michael; it is the fullness of Michael, the great Prince. It is also the name of “My God” (Rev. 3:12). Michael is the name of the reward of God. It would take this name to make war with the dragon and defeat it. Similarly, the beast was full of names of blasphemy in a season, which refers to works (Rev. 17:3); while in another season, he had the name of blasphemy which is the new name of the dragon – his reward. The dragon kept the fullness of the names until the name of blasphemy was written on his forehead (Rev. 13:1). After the name of blasphemy was written on the beast, it called for worship, saying, “who is like unto the beast?” (Rev. 13:4).


The man-child company will grow into the new name of Jesus and sit on the throne. With this name, they will defeat Satan. Until Satan is challenged by the obedience of the saints and their conformation to the likeness of God, the archangel will not go to war. The highest warfare man would undertake is to overcome the dragon through nature. Michael is yet to cast the devil down from heaven because no man has risen above him yet in nature and likeness. When the dragon is cast out, another angel would bind him in chains (Rev. 20:1-2).


Until man overcomes Satan, he still has legal rights to stay in the air. He would be overcome by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of the saints’ testimony (Rev. 12:11). The testimony is the life of the Lamb – Eternal Life. They came into this life by loving not their lives, that is, they were slain. Thus, the testimony became a record.


The world of eternity is a world of lambs, and God intends to birth many lambs. God and the Lamb are seated on the throne; They are worshipped forever (Rev. 7:10). The dragon and the beast are also worshipped (Rev. 13:4). The dragon (Satan) gave his seat and authority to the beast. The Eternal Life of God is the Lamb who was seated with God on the throne. God is the bull, while the Lamb is His inward Person which He revealed. He is referred to as the Only Begotten Son of God. God gave birth to the Lamb. In fact, when He was to be born on earth, He was born where lambs are born, signifying that God is a Father of Lambs.


Jesus too began raising lambs, from one lamb to another. So, although He was a sheep, He was a lamb on His inside. The more He developed and matured on the outside, the more He became a lamb on His inside. This was what John saw when he said, “...Behold the Lamb of God…” (John 1:29); he saw the inner person of who Jesus is on the throne now. This is what the archangel Michael was configured to show, displaying ‘who is like God?’ on the inside; whereas, other angels show His outside manifestation.


Other angels like Lucifer had precious stones. But Michael's feet were like burning brass, and his hair was soft like wool. Michael was taught and raised to sacrifice. Sacrifice is when one obeys and pleases God. Amongst all the angels, Michael is the greatest sacrificer. Therefore, his coming to us is aimed at teaching us that order, so we can align with the great Prince who sacrifices and is a sacrifice. He who seats on the throne is a sacrifice; He is meek and lowly.




Chisom Nwoyibe Avatar
Chisom Nwoyibe - 1 year ago
This is powerful. What I learnt in this can't be overly emphasized, hence one stunning thing is the fact that satan can be defeated by the nature of the man-child which will be eternal life. I have some confusing questions. Not to critique but to understand. Thus I would rather prefer personal engagement for this question

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