Urgent Vacancy for Men of the Future Part 5
There are many reasons why we nod our heads in amazement of happenings around us, but there is only one of such we can share in common with the Lord Jesus; when we nod in response to the carnal/earthly state of the souls of believers. The answer to the following question(s) can help us ascertain if a believer is earthly-minded (carnal) or truth-minded (spiritual):
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Urgent Vacancy for Men of the Future Part 2
How can men be persuaded, that before God, none of the following specie of men qualify as “powerful men”: someone that can employ all the graduates in his country, someone that can raise all the dead men in a mortuary, someone that can exert the influence of an occupied office over an entire nation? Where did that alien thought emanate from? From above or from beneath? Jn. 3:31/8:23.
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Urgent Vacancy For Men of The Future Part 1
Prophet Isaiah once described the make-up of any man that has not been programmed by the knowledge that God downloaded into Christ as flesh (Isa. 40:6/Gen. 6:3). Apostle James and Peter could not but equate the constitution of such earthly men with that of the flower of the field that gradually withers by the day (Jam. 1:10/1Pet. 1:24).
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